We believe that physical education (PE) is a vital and unique part of the curriculum. It develops children’s knowledge, skills and understanding so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities. PE promotes an understanding in children of their bodies in action, and develops coordination skills. It involves thinking, selecting and applying skills, and by enabling children to make informed choices about physical activity throughout their lives, it promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.
Read our half termly sports updates:
Each class has a minimum of one hour of PE timetabled each week, which is delivered by our specialist PE teachers, covering:
We aim to provide experiences in a wide range of activities including Football, Tag Rugby, Netball, Basketball, Cricket, Rounders, Tennis and Badminton to develop skills both individually and through participation as part of a team.
Children develop skills such as travelling, rolling, jumping, and balancing, as well as working on the floor and on apparatus.
Children develop running, jumping and throwing skills.
All children in Year 3 take swimming classes. Swimming is a very important part of the PE curriculum, given its direct link to ensuring a child's personal safety whenever they are in water.
Children also participate in dance lessons which gives them the opportunity to express themselves in a controlled way to music and rhythms.
Our curriculum PE offer also includes the Nursery. Sessions here focus on fundamental movement skills such as running, jumping, throwing and balancing.
We offer pupils opportunities to take part in additional PE through our many sports clubs, which are run by either our specialist PE teachers or sports coaches from local clubs. Click here for more information on our clubs.
We also offer opportunities for pupils to compete in both intra- (within school) and inter- (between schools) competitions in a range of sports. We feel competition is an element of life which should be experienced within school. Emotional competencies surrounding competition, which are learned in sport, can then be carried into the context of a learning environment and beyond.