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Community Engagement

At Woodside, we believe that our school should be the hub of the local community. We have developed this vision over the recent years by providing a range of events and opportunities for our families and our wider Woodside community to enjoy.

Woodside Community News 

Leader in Me Sustainability Event

During the autumn term, we host our Leader in Me Sustainability Event for the academic year. Across two weeks, each year group invite parents to join us to learn more on how we promote a more sustainable environment. Pupils and parents had the opportunity to engage in activities related to the teaching of the 7 Habits and spend time in their children's classrooms, looking at their work. This also gave parents a chance to speak with their child’s teacher about their progress. 

Fireworks Extravaganza

Each November we will be hosting our annual Woodside Fireworks Extravaganza. With games, face painting, henna art, bouncy castles, candyfloss, popcorn, delicious hot food, plenty of glow sticks and more and a spectacular 30 minute display. We look forward to welcoming local residents and families to enjoy the Wood Street sky being lit up by this colourful display! 

Woodside Winter Fair

Each December we host our Woodside Winter Fair. It is a fantastic festive event, for our pupils, their families and our local community to enjoy.  Alongside a wonderful mix of local community traders, non-Walthamstow traders and members of Woodside community selling their wares. There are plenty of exciting activities. This includes archery, face painting, arts and crafts and much more and of course we look forward to welcoming our extra special guest Father Christmas.